Today I will teach you about How to Create Photoshop Electronic Torch Light Icon
[1]-First of all Open New Document of Custom size,Height & Width 380×420 pixels, Resolution 72 & Mode RGB Color
[2]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following shape with the help of Pen Tool,right click select Make Selection
[3]-Now use the following settings in Make Selection
[4]-Now your image should look like as shown below
[5]-Now fill the selection with ‘464646′color & then select “Dodge Tool” & Highlight the following parts
[6]-Now create the following selection with the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool & then Highlight the some parts with the
help of Dodge Tool like as shown below
[7]-Now Highlight the other parts & your image should look like as shown below
[8]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
[9]-Now Open New Layer & then fill the selection with ‘565555′color & then create the following selection with the help of
Elliptical Marquee Tool
[10]-Now press Ctrl+Shift+I & then select ‘Dodge Tool’ & Highlight the some parts like as shown
[11]-Now press Ctrl+D & then highlight the some parts with the help of “DOdge Tool”
[12]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’
[13]-Now fill the selection with ‘4f4f4f’color & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
[14]-Now select “Dodge Tool” & then Highlight the following parts like as shown below
[15]-Now Open New Layer [this layer should below all layers] & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
& then fill the selection with ‘464646′color
[16]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
[17]-Now fill the selection with ‘ffffff’color & then create the following selection with the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool
[18]-Now Open New Layer & then fill the selection with ‘949695′color & then create the following Transformation with the
help of Ctrl+T
[19]-Now go to Blending Options,select Inner Shadow & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Inner Shadow feature
[20]-Now select Stroke Structure & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Stroke Structure feature
[21]-Now your image shoud look like as shown below
[22]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool
[23]-Now fill the selection with ‘66c9cb’ color & then go to Blending Options,select Drop Shadow & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Drop Shadow feature
[24]-Now select Bevel & Emboss & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Bevel & Emboss feature
[25]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
[26]-Now fill the selection with ‘58c4c6′color & then create the following selection with the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool
[27]-Now select ‘Burn Tool’ & then create the following shading
[28]-Now press Ctrl+Shift+I & then Highlights the following parts with the help of ‘Dodge Tool’
[29]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
[30]-Now fill the selection with ‘fbfbfb’color & then select ‘Erase Tool’ & erase the some parts
[31]-Now create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool & after that create the Shading with the help of Burn Tool
[37]-Now just like above steps create the others & after that select 2 pxl Brush & then create the following Shape with
the help of Pen Tool,right click selection Stroke Path
[38]-In Stroke Path select ‘Brush’ & then Ok & your image should look like as shown below
[39]-Now go to Blending Options,select Stroke Structure & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Stroke Structure feature
[40]-Now reduce the Opacity of this Layer like as shown below
[41]-Now set the 1 pxl Brush & then Open New Layer & ‘119a9d’ color in Forground.Then Open New Layer & create the following
shape with the help of Pen Tool,right click select Stroke Path
[42]-Now use the following settings in Stroke Path
[43]-Like this create the others & set the 4 pxl Brush & then Open New Layer,create the following shape with the help of
Pen Tool,right click select Stroke Path
[44]-In Stroke Path select “Brush” & then Ok & your image should look like as shown below
[45]-Now go to Blending Options,select Drop Shadow & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Drop Shadow feature
[46]-Now like this create the others & your image should look like as shown below
[47]-Now set the 1 pxl Brush & then Open New Layer & create the following shape with the help of Pen Tool,right click select
Stroke Path
[48]-In stroke path select Brush & then Ok,like this create the others & after that set the 5 pxl Brush & then Open New
Layer & create the following shape with the help of Pen Tool,right click select Stroke Path
[49]-In Stroke Path select Brush & then Ok & your image should look like as shown below
[50]-Now go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur & use the following settings
[51]-Thanks for read this Photoshop Tutorial.I hope this is a good tutorial & U can use these Photoshop Techniques & the
Final Image should look like as shown below